How To Update an Electron App Automatically

The autoUpdater enables an electron app to check the latest version and update itself automatically. 1


You can install autoUpdater via NPM or yarn:

npm install --save—dev electron-updater


yarn add electron-updater


In main .js file of electron, autoUpdater can be defined as follows:

// main.js
const { autoUpdater } = require("electron-updater");

    provider: "github",
    host: "",
    owner: "{ username }",
    repo: "{ repository }",
    token: "{ token }",


  • checking-for-update Emit when checking update has started.
  • update-available Emit when there is an available update. If autoDownload = true, the update will be downloaded automatically. The event contains the version, releaseDate, releaseNotes, etc.
  • update-not-available Emit when there is no available update.
  • error Emit when there is an error.
  • download-progress Emit when downloading update has started. The event contains the download percentages.
  • update-downloaded Emit when the update has been downloaded. The event contains the version, releaseDate, releaseNotes, downloadFile, etc.


  • autoDownload autoDownload defines whether to automatically download an update when it is found. If autoDownload = false, you should manually execute autoUpdater.downloadUpdate() after receiving update-available event.
  • autoInstallOnAppQuit autoInstallOnAppQuit defines whether to automatically install a downloaded update on app quit. If autoInstallOnAppQuit = false, you should manually execute autoUpdater.quitAndInstall().


  • setFeedURL(options) Configure update provider. If you use GitHub as provider, options consists of provider, host, owner, repo, token, etc.
  • checkForUpdatesAndNotify() Ask the server whether there is an update.
  • downloadUpdate() Start downloading update.
  • quitAndInstall() Restart the app and install the update after it has been downloaded. This method should be called after update-downloaded has been emitted.