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Create a Realistic Saturn with Rings

In the solar system, there are two main types of planets: rocky and gas giants, some of which have rings. Among them, Saturn is the most well-known gas giant with prominent rings. This project focuses on creating a realistic 3D model of Saturn, with a detailed representation of its rings, surf...

Interpolation Methods

This article provides an overview of interpolation methods including flat, linear, and cubic, along with examples. I’ll provide a simple example to use them. These interpolation methods aim to compute a value inside vertices and, further, advanced interpolation methods aim to make smooth value...

A Derivation of Depth Filter

The depth filter is a useful component in monocular camera visual odometry systems, such as SVO (Semi-Direct Visual Odometry) 1 2. It is designed to estimate depth values from a sequence of images captured by a single camera. The filter operates under the assumption of Gaussian measurement noi...